Happy New Year from an Arduino!

I’ve published an Instructable that shows how to generate super fast analog voltages on an Arduino. Watch the whole video for a very special New Years message!

To find out how I did this, head over to https://www.instructables.com/id/Super-Fast-Analog-Voltages-From-Arduino/

360° Panoramas of In-Game Graphics from “Titanic: Honor & Glory”

Recently I have had the opportunity to try out third demo of “Titanic: Honor & Glory”, a gorgeous game under development by Vintage Digital Revival that recreates the historic ocean liner in stunning detail and realism.

I captured some 360° panoramas from the demo that show you just how realistic and gorgeous the graphics are. Here is a black and white panorama of the first class dining room:


And here is an exterior shot, showing the Titanic in its dock:


I highly recommend you try out the demo yourself. If you would like to create your own panoramas, I have made a YouTube video to document the process. The process should work for any game with a first person vantage point.

The following software was used in the video tutorial:

Advanced Tip: The method can also be extended to create equirectangular images, such as this:


The only modification to the technique described in the video is that the in-game footage is captured by sweeping from top to bottom while rotating in a spiral pattern.

Using THREE.JS to render to SVG

I came across a blog post that demonstrates using THREE.js to create SVG images. Since that demo was done in CoffeeScript, it took me a while to understand it and build an equivalent JavaScript demo (and the source code).

The SVGRenderer is undocumented in the THREE.js website and it requires a few extra files that are not a part of the standard THREE.js distribution. This post will help you pull the necessary parts together.

My demo is loosly based on this great THREE.js tutorial. I modified it to show the WebGL output on the left-hand side and the SVG capture on the right-hand side. Clicking the arrow updates the SVG capture and shows the code for the SVG on the bottom of the page.

When you hover your mouse cursor over the right-hand side, the paths of the SVG will highlight in red. These correspond to triangles in the original THREE.js model.


The nice thing about rendering THREE.js models as SVG is that the visible faces will become path elements in the DOM, allowing you to highlight them with a single style sheet rule:

path:hover {
   stroke:       red;
   stroke-width: 2px;

This rule tells the web browser to stroke all path elements in a solid red line whenever the user hovers the mouse cursor over them.

How it works:

The demo uses the undocumented SVGRenderer object from THREE.js. The SVGRenderer object depends on another object called Projector. Neither are part of the official THREE.js build, so I grabbed the two source files from the “examples/js/renderer” directory of the THREE.js distribution from GitHub and placed them in my “lib” directory.

When the user clicks the arrow, the SVG on the right side is updated using a new instance of the SVGRenderer object. Here is what the code looks like:

var svgRenderer = new THREE.SVGRenderer();

The SVGRenderer will store the SVG data in the domElement attribute of itself. In the following code fragment, I insert it into a parent DIV and remove the width and height attributes from the svg element so that I can scale it with style sheet rules.


The SVG source for the bottom panel comes from the svgContainer.innerHTML attribute (domElement.outerHTML would work too). I use a regular expression to break up the source into lines and then post it into the destination text field:

document.getElementById('source').value = svgContainer.innerHTML.replace(/<path/g, "\n<path");